Friday, December 14, 2012

Commentary for Don't Mess With Texas, It's the Law

                 I read an entry from my classmate’s blog, Don't Mess With Texas, It's the Law and her entry is about how Proposition one will be passed which means a Medical School will be built in Austin. Her entry can be found here. During my high school years, I have always wanted to be a doctor and seeing as how college is very expensive, I wanted to stay here in Austin since it will save me a lot more money but the problem was that there were no medical schools here in Austin which meant that I would have to transfer soon. This was just the thought I used to have but I no longer have anymore because I no longer want to be a doctor. However, I still want to be in some kind of field relating to the natural sciences.
                 I think that the proposition one is a great idea because it will influence people to pursue their medical career since it can be a better access for us Austinites. My classmate mentions that there’s a medical school in Houston and it benefits that city’s economy. I think that’s great and Austin should do the same since this country’s economy is in need of help anyways. I also agree with my classmate that this state will also benefit from it by getting more healthcare workers. Being in the healthcare field is one of the most important careers because it will always be needed since there are people who will need to be taken care of daily. I also think that it’s great that this proposition also wants to help improve healthcare here in Texas since this state has one of the poorest healthcare systems in the nation. Along with my classmate, I am excited to hear that this proposition will bring great things to this state.