Friday, October 19, 2012

Female Vice Presidential Pick?

The author’s commentary that I am about to critique is from Mean Rachel’s blog and the title is "Can Romney Bring Sexy Back?" This was written back in July but it’s about how the author of the blog, Rachel, is stating how Romney was thinking about having a female as his vice presidential pick. The author’s intended audience is for the people that are planning on voting during this year’s election because she’s trying to argue that having a female as Romney’s vice presidential pick will not make a difference in what kind of presidential platform he has. The author of this blog is a democrat so it’s obvious what kind of stance she takes against Romney since he is a republican. She provided a linked video about this information and she also linked one of her own posts from the previous election that states how Sarah Palin decided to work with John McCain. I watched the video she provided and a couple of women were interviewed about how they felt about Romney’s decision and some of them said that it didn't change their mind about Romney but the others said that it depends on which female he chooses. Rachel was also featured in this video and she says how Romney hasn't changed his views about equal pay for men and women yet he was thinking about having a woman as his vice presidential pick. I do agree with the author and what she has to say about Romney because I don’t think having another person represent him, whether it’s a male or female, will change the values that Romney stands up for. 

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