Friday, November 30, 2012

Lower Cost For College Education

            Education is very important to me and through this blog, I have shown that. I think that it is a great idea that Governor Rick Perry is creating a program where students can have the opportunity to obtain their bachelor's degree and the fee for this would be within $10,000. I think that this could encourage many people to go to college or go back to college if they didn't have the opportunity before because it is much more affordable. As a college student, it's a little discouraging to see the cost for college education but I continue to push through and I keep a mindset that it will be all worth it in the end.
             I've been wishing for a day like this to come and even though it did, unfortunately, there are rules one must follow in order to be a part of this program. Some of the rules are maintaining a 3.0 gpa, earning a certain amount of college hours during high school, earning a certain amount of college hours at a certain community college, etc. With these rules attached to the program, it takes a lot of effort in order to save a couple thousands or up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for education but it may be well worth it. Even though I think these rules are a little tough and have a lot of requirements, it still shows the encouragement that should be given to the people who want to receive a college degree. This will push people to be more knowledgeable and it can help prepare them for the future jobs they may have due to the degree that they obtain. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Commentary for "Cookies and ice cream for education"

                I read an entry from my classmate’s blog, Blue-Blooded in a Sea of Red, and the title of her entry is “Cookies and ice cream for education.” I found her argument to be rather insightful because it shows what the government spends with the federal budget and how the government should be focusing more on the things that are more important such as education. Education is very important in this economy, especially at this moment, because it has such a great value that could lead many people in to getting jobs. The more employed people this country has, the more the economy will gain from it in a positive way.
                 I think the way Ben Cohen visualized how the government spends the budget makes it easier for people to see where everyone’s money is really going towards. I think that the government is so worried about overprotecting our country that they tend to forget the people that are made up of this country. I think that Katy did a great job providing statistics and links that pertain to the issues of education and the video of Ben Cohen was also helpful and I think that the video should be spread in order to inform people about this issue. And if it is spread further, we can make a difference as a nation and this issue that concerns the budget for education can be improved.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Austin's environment

                I like to be friendly to the environment but I think that many people are ill informed about how they should be treating the environment. I think that our local government should regulate how many plastic bags can be used at a grocery store with each customer. With this said, when people are going to grocery stores, they should have some kind of tote bag just in case they exceed the certain amount of plastic bags they can use. There are pros and cons to this regulation though. The pros are that it will be a lot friendlier to our environment since plastics bags won't be produced as much which means money will be saved and can be put to better use. The cons are that people can possibly steal items and sneak it into their tote bag without getting caught and it may be a hassle to some people because they would have to constantly bring it back and forth to the grocery store. Since these issues exist, I think that plastic bags should still be around but just not as much.
                If the government can’t do this regulation, I think that they should try to educate the people that live here about how they can help with this regulation. The more people are educated, the better because it can spread throughout the local community and it will eventually turn into something bigger from there. Plastic bags can be used for so many things like collecting trash or putting things you need inside it in order to keep it for later on and these uses are practical but people tend to just throw it away without reusing it (if it’s clean) after they have gotten it at the grocery stores and this is what causes the wastefulness of these bags. In conclusion, I think that the government should take in consideration about regulating how many plastic bags can be obtained from each customer at a grocery store.