Friday, November 30, 2012

Lower Cost For College Education

            Education is very important to me and through this blog, I have shown that. I think that it is a great idea that Governor Rick Perry is creating a program where students can have the opportunity to obtain their bachelor's degree and the fee for this would be within $10,000. I think that this could encourage many people to go to college or go back to college if they didn't have the opportunity before because it is much more affordable. As a college student, it's a little discouraging to see the cost for college education but I continue to push through and I keep a mindset that it will be all worth it in the end.
             I've been wishing for a day like this to come and even though it did, unfortunately, there are rules one must follow in order to be a part of this program. Some of the rules are maintaining a 3.0 gpa, earning a certain amount of college hours during high school, earning a certain amount of college hours at a certain community college, etc. With these rules attached to the program, it takes a lot of effort in order to save a couple thousands or up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for education but it may be well worth it. Even though I think these rules are a little tough and have a lot of requirements, it still shows the encouragement that should be given to the people who want to receive a college degree. This will push people to be more knowledgeable and it can help prepare them for the future jobs they may have due to the degree that they obtain. 

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I value an affordable education. It takes a lot to not only apply and motivate oneself towards obtaining an education, but also to gear up for the incredible expenses that higher education promises. Having little to no choice but to accept the fact that college costs a great deal of money, students must figure something out in order to obtain the degree they hope for. In many cases anything, and I mean ANYTHING helps.
    Now, this new bill that Rick Perry is advocating for seems pretty helpful. Obtaining a Bachelors degree for under $10,000? That’s crazy! It sounds like a huge help to those of us who are straining for cash to pay for college. Putting myself in the shoes of a high school student needing money for college, I think I would do whatever it took to become part of a program like this. It would have been interesting to see a perspective of one of these students, or maybe even the opinion of a professional. I completely agree that the guidelines for this program would not only encourage students to work hard for what they want, but would also show how badly a person wants to participate.
    In my opinion, you make a strong argument and had a very informative context. I appreciate the fact that you can relate to a lot of individuals- including myself- on multiple levels. Hopefully, there will be more programs and more opportunities for funding towards education in the future. For now, there is a lot we can do to gear ourselves towards those goals.
